Monday, February 18, 2008

Skewed Definitions

Hello again,

Does anybody keeps a track of the number of new things that one learns everyday? I just can't. And Due to either my poor understanding capabilties, or due to some unforseen circumstances/unknown reasons (like an alien who came to my room day before yesterday, to have a chat about the beautiful Aishwarya Rai, and what to do in order to kidnap her, woo her, etc, after the chat was done with, he/it wore a pair of black goggles, took a pen, and FLASH, it comepletely erased off my memory!!! Shift deleted the whose meeting occarance! Luckily for me, being a Software developer, I managed to just take a backup-using my camcorder, and thus, get back all the details. Aish, reading this? Beware, he/it is coming to kidnap you!!

Well, in the regular cases, I generally dont back up every thing I learn that day. And due to this, I tend to completely forget the basic definitions of the innumerable things that I learn each day.

Today, when I was having my lunch, my train of thoughts were somewhat in this manner. "What if an earthquake occurs right here, right now?...OMG i gotta do something for saving my ass! I aint even married!!...Sigh! Only if I had the power to control the earthquake and make it occur after I leave the place! Sigh! Only if God had more faith in me, that I could handle such powers/responsibilities. Why does God not have faith in regulars like me, but believe in those imbecile cartoons (who dont even know the proper way to wear an underwear), and vests such stupendous powers in those complete morons?.....Only if I had the power to betray the nature...Why does Man need to suffer for things which he didnt screw up? These natural things you know..!!!"

" Our man-made things are lot better! They listen to our commands, and work in a manner that is highly predictable, atleast in ideal cases...By the way, if my computer is a man-made thing, then is that Palm tree I am seeing across the window a man-made thing too? (I was actually surprised to see the method of growing nice palm trees in Saudi Arabia. Its pretty simple!. Want a fully grown palm tree in front of your house? All you need to do is find a fully grown tree, dig that out of its place, plant it in front of your house! And lo and behold! Your palm tree is ready, and it really is alive!)..So...IS this palm tree a man-made thing?"

Thinking in this manner, I suddenly felt, I totally forgot the definition of the Man-made. I felt like a duffer! I searched hungrily in the net for its definition. And this is what I came across:

"When something is man-made, it has been made by humans, not nature. For example, a "man-made satellite" is one made by humans, while a moon is a satellite that was not made by humans." [ link: ]. Chic and clearcut! Right?...But this actually made me really confused!

Ok. Let me try to understand it by logic. Tree - Natural Thing. Why? Because, even without the interference of Man, a tree can be born, grow and die. It doesnt need a Man's help.

Rat - Natural. (Their deaths are mostly man-made though) Why? Same reason as above.

Tsunami - Natural. Why? Because, Man doesnt have any control, power on it, and it can have its origin without the help of Man. (Yes, many earthquakes and tsunamis are the reasons behind Man's fiddling with the nature, but, they can also occur, even if we be just the cave men.

All was well until here. Now, Man- Natural...Why? just as the reason of RAT or TREE? or because of the reason of tsunami? What if all mankind suddenly decide not to reproduce? (I know, its a very very brave and tough decision, and I am totally against such rules, dont worry, but...what IF?) Then there would be no mankind. Our species would go into the records of "EXTINCT". Tigers will create sanctuaries for us, and make slogans like, "Men are the most intelligent animals in this world, (I really dont know which dumbass has got such an idea of not to reproduce, anyway, its not my headache), SAVE MEN". There would be atleast a few hundreds of WMFs (World Manlife Fund).

What does this show? Without a man's action YOU CAN FORGET THE WAY MAN IS MADE! (Now a days we are getting genetically made humans. Atleast reasearch is on, if not successful. Even they cannot be born if MAN (both men and women), considers against the idea of growing the species' future!

Does this mean Man is a man-made thing? This is absurd. Something is wrong with the definition of MAN-MADE. The above definition is totally skewed up! But whats the correct definition? Please help me out guys!


eenigoy said...

Pavan yaaaar... i couldn't finish reading it because of the spelling and grammar mistakes.
Make drafts, check them and then upload the blog. Work needs to be done baby!

Pavan said...

Yes, Thanx a lot for telling me that! I didn’t even proof read them before I posted them. I corrected the typos. (And i think the grammatical errors). But...I thought that these blogs mustn’t be proof read. I thought they should look like a flow of thoughts, rather than a tailored article. But, nevertheless, I corrected them. (Because, what’s the use of the flow of thoughts, if it is not readable!)